Accessibility and the Banzai Brand

We're excited to announce Banzai will be rolling out big improvements to the styling and accessibility characteristics of its brand between now and the first week of January!

What is changing?

For over a year Banzai has been hard at work upgrading its brand, significantly improving ADA accessibility, giving it a fresh new feel, and expanding its flexibility in the Wellness Center. Here’s a list of the things we’ll be gradually releasing over the next few weeks:

  • Improved Accessibility: High contrast text is critical for individuals with vision impairments and for helping you remain compliant with industry accessibility expectations. Banzai’s colors will remain true to its unique past while vastly improving contrast ratings as measured by independent color checkers.
  • New Logo: An updated, modernized logo to accompany the new Banzai look.
  • New Styling Options: Stay tuned for more styling options within the Wellness Center that give you more flexibility over how your brand is presented to your audiences.