Financial Education Is In Reach With Banzai

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“Most states teach the bare minimum about financial literacy (if at all), and students don’t understand how to avoid debt when they start their adult life,” said Banzai public relations manager Emily Inman.

Banzai’s goal is to prepare students for the real world, and that includes learning how to save money wisely, write a check, pay for insurance, pay bills and more.

Kapolei High School teacher Patrick Ena used Banzai as a supplement to his course, covering macroeconomics and microeconomics before finishing with personal finance, courtesy of Banzai.

“I think the realization that they will be financially independent very soon and that the challenges they faced in the scenarios give them a wake up call that they need,” he said. “Also understanding the impact of credit and credit scores on their futures was a concept that most students were not familiar with.”

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