Product Updates - January 2024

Banzai Rebrand!

Those familiar with Banzai might notice that things look a little different. With the new year, we rolled out a new, refreshed brand with updated colors, logos, and illustrations. You can see Banzai’s updated look on the homepage, as well as throughout the various courses and articles.

Our motivation for this update has been to improve accessibility for students with vision impairments while modernizing our brand. Improving Banzai’s ADA compliance ensures that more teachers, students, and parents can use and learn from Banzai without difficulty. Plus, the new logo and illustration style support our mission to cultivate a comprehensive, experience-driven multimodal curriculum that’s FUN for students and teachers.

Wellness Center Updates

The Wellness Center also received various improvements, all of which center around creating a more customizable experience for our partners! The Sponsor Impact and the Rewards pages were also updated to better match our rebrand.

Students With Multiple Teachers

A natural by-product of growing our content to span more topics outside of financial literacy is that we have more types of teachers using and teaching Banzai. More teachers means more students using our program, but this also increases the possibility that a single student in the same school will go through different Banzai courses with different teachers. This logistical issue was something we wanted to address!