Program Teaches Students About Money in the Real World

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Called Banzai, the program teaches high school and middle school students financial concepts through real-life scenarios.

It aims to provide solutions that students will need post-graduation.

In the program, students are given a job, a checking and savings account, and are given paychecks as well as days to get gas, go to concerts and go out to eat.

Diann Vernon, of Century Career Center in Logansport, has had experience using the Banzai program.

“Some students don’t keep track of what they spend with debit cards and just look at online statements,” Vernon said. “They don’t realize what is posted online isn’t necessarily what’s actually there. The program goes through that.”

Shelby Schuh, of Beacon Credit Union, said there is both an online and booklet component to the program. Beacon Credit Union pays for the program and makes it available for any teacher who wants it in the classroom, Schuh said.

“To my understanding, financial literacy is not a requirement in the classrooms,” Schuh said. “The program teaches basic skills about keeping a budget and why it’s so important. We’re very excited to be providing that.”

Most, if not all, states have financial literacy built into their education system curriculum, but with tight budgets at schools, it’s hard for teachers to have proper materials for teaching finance skills, said Kevin Peterson, communications and media specialist for Banzai.

“Providing information and materials for free to teachers will help,” Peterson said.

Teachers interested in using the Banzai program can visit or call 888-8-BANZAI.