Teacher Video Contest Winners

Banzai teachers and students went above and beyond demonstrating how Banzai has impacted their students. The videos were so great that we’ll hold another contest in the fall and announce the terms then. So, if you want to take a shot at the grand prize again, start planning now.


First place: Thuy Pham from Creative Connections Arts Academy in California — $1,000 Amazon gift card

Second place: Lloyd Roberts from Christian Life Schools in Illinois — $500 Amazon gift card

Third place: Anthony Spires from South Warren Middle School in Kentucky — $250 Amazon gift card

We appreciate all the teachers and students taking the time to create a video. As a thank you for everyone who participated, we want to send you a Banzai T-shirt! Please send your mailing address and shirt size to emily.inman@teachbanzai.com.

Emily Inman

Public Relations, Banzai