The New Banzai Game (Beta Invitation)

We invite you to join the upcoming beta:


The Game is an extension to Life Scenarios, with a fundamental difference: students choose their own adventure.


We’ve carefully considered what helps young people learn. The opportunity to apply budgeting techniques, to make decisions — to practice — and cope with the consequences of those decisions, will, more than anything else, lead to real changes in behavior. Life Scenarios teaches those techniques. The Game challenges students to apply, and test, their new skills.


The Game will be available in beta within a few weeks, by invitation. We urge you to try it with your students, and send us your thoughts and comments.

Additional Details?

At this point, the Game’s runtime is roughly equivalent to Life Scenarios. Unlike Life Scenarios, however, it has many potential outcomes. Furthermore, it is entirely web-driven — no booklets — and thus, is widely extensible. Following its initial release, we’ll incrementally improve the Game, it’s content and quality, on a permanent basis. It’ll take on more scenarios, more situations, and more concepts, as time passes.

Also, in the future the Game may incorporate multiple levels of difficulty to accommodate different class schedules and grade levels.

Finally, like the assessments in Banzai, the Game is optional. You may use it in conjunction with Life Scenarios, or you can skip it.

How do I Try the Beta?

Visit the Game’s new informational website,, or click here to sign up for the beta directly.