Financial Aid Awareness Month & Key Changes to Banzai FAFSA Resources

In the spotlight for financial aid in the 2024-2025 academic year is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which has undergone significant improvements to help streamline the application process. And there's no better time to explore these changes than during Financial Aid Awareness Month.

Changes to the Filing Process
This year, the FAFSA brings a groundbreaking change that simplifies the application process for students, parents, and guardians. Instead of the traditional manual entry of tax information, the IRS now seamlessly transfers tax records directly to the FAFSA, making the filing process more efficient and less burdensome.

  • Contributors & Consent
    One of the noteworthy aspects of the updated FAFSA is the meticulous attention given to consent. Tax information is collected directly from the IRS with consent from ALL FAFSA contributors—the student, spouses, and parents or guardians—separately.

    This required consent applies to all situations, including those where a contributor does not have a Social Security Number, did not file taxes, or filed taxes outside of the United States.


Affected Banzai Resources

In the spirit of Financial Aid Awareness Month, we understand the significance of keeping students, parents, and educators well-informed about the new application process. Banzai's FAFSA resources have been updated to reflect the latest changes, serving as a valuable tool to share this information with teachers, students, and account holders.

These resources include the comprehensive "Paying for College" Course, the insightful "Filling Out the FAFSA" Coach & Article, and the brand-new addition, "Changes to the 2024-2025 FAFSA Form" article. Empower yourself and your community with these resources during Financial Aid Awareness Month:

As Financial Aid Awareness Month unfolds, it's essential to stay tuned for more updates and information. Banzai remains committed to providing resources that empower individuals to navigate the changing landscape of financial aid successfully. Together, let's unlock the doors to higher education and ensure that everyone has the knowledge and tools to make their academic dreams a reality.