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Cache Students Improve Financial Literacy

CACHE, Okla._Fort Sill Federal Credit Union is sponsoring an online curriculum for area high schools to improve their financial literacy.

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With the Banzai curriculum, students are exposed to real-life scenarios where they learn to pay bills and balance a budget. In the program, students must manage unexpected expenses such as parking tickets and overdraft fees. They’re also introduced to responsibilities such as auto loans, bank statements, entertainment costs and savings.

Cache High School started using the program this year and they say it gives students the skills they’ll need for life after graduation.

“I think it just helped them realize that they need to plan and that they need to budget their money so they have enough when unexpected costs arise,” said Annis Godfrey, Cache High School teacher.

“It’s actually a big relief, because my mom always used to always tell my brothers ‘you guys are not going to make it in college because you just spend, spend, spend.’ So now I feel like I know how to save,” said Payton McDonald, Cache High School junior.

Fort Sill Federal Credit Union also provides free school supplies to teachers who use the free program.

Teachers interested in using the Banzai program can visit or call 888-8-BANZAI.

Banzai interactive courses are fun and FREE. Go ahead.