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Free Money Management Tool Helps Students Plan for Future

Some important financial lessons are being taught in schools in the Rochester region. They are part of a free program that teachers and students can take advantage of.

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It is called Banzai. The main message of this program is your money matters and you have to start thinking way ahead about what you want to do with it.

“Banzai is a program that allows my students to get a chance to get some authentic experience with money management and budgeting,” said Burger Junior High School teacher Heather McAllister.“They get a chance to practice seeing money come in and out of their accounts.”

Banzai is available as a free tool to more than 40,000 teachers across the country.  Leaders with Pittsford Federal Credit Union sponsor the program locally.

It is taught in nine schools.The goal is to get the word out so more teachers know about Banzai and how to get it in their classroom.
They also hope young students get the education they need to succeed later in life.

“Money industries target young millennials,” said 8th grader Markeshia Fulton. “When you have that money management you know what to do with your money so it’s easier not to spend it all.”

“It’s good to save for your future so then you aren’t in debt and trying to keep up with money you don’ have,” added fellow 8th grader Valerie Rock.

For any teachers interested, if Banzai is not in your school already, you can put in a request for a sponsor whether that be with PFCU or another bank or credit union in our area.

Banzai interactive courses are fun and FREE. Go ahead.