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Credit union offers free financial education program

If you’ve run out of things to do while at home.. we have something for you and the kids to do. Town and Country Credit Union is offering free learning activities for the whole family to enjoy.

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If you’ve run out of things to do while at home..we have something for you and the kids to do. Town and Country Credit Union is offering free learning activities for the whole family to enjoy.

Banzai is a financial education program that gives you real-life scenarios about how to save money and plan for the future. The vice president or retail services says that since people aren’t spending as much money now, this is the perfect time to learn how to continue to save money.

“We have a junior, teen, and young adult course and it just kind of works you through your life.
Whether it is started with a lemonade stand or all the way to saving to get your first house,” says Karna Taft.

The program is free for anyone who wants to use it.

Banzai interactive courses are fun and FREE. Go ahead.