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DoverPhila Credit Union releases 2020 summary

The credit union gave back $1.65 million to its members through a year-end bonus dividend, low-cost auto loans and certificates of deposits with higher interest rates.

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DoverPhila Federal Credit Union recently released a summary of its community investment and product enhancement for 2020.

The credit union gave back $1.65 million to its members through a year-end bonus dividend, low-cost auto loans and certificates of deposits with higher interest rates. This is the 26th year in a row that DoverPhila returned earnings back to its members.

The credit union contributed sponsorships and donations to area organizations and groups, including East Central Ohio ESC’s Family Reading Festival, United Way of Tuscarawas County, Rainbow Connection, Leader’s Edge Anti-Virus Youth Character Education program, the local Salvation Army Red Kettle Drive, Leadership Tuscarawas, Tuscarawas Clinic for the Working Uninsured, Kent State University Tuscarawas, Trinity Hospital Twin City, Tuscarawas County Philharmonic, Tuscarawas County Community Hospice, Trumpet in the Land, Tuscarawas County Senior Center, Tuscarawas County Humane Society, Big Brothers Big Sisters of East Central Ohio and area youth athletic associations.

DoverPhila Federal Credit Union’s New Philadelphia office gave donations for the Tuscarawas County’s Share-A-Christmas program. Credit union employees gave over $700 in gifts.

The credit union partnered with United Way of Tuscarawas County to provide another drop-off location for United Way’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. Some credit union employees and community volunteers received training and IRS certification to provide free income-tax support to individuals who meet the eligibility requirements.

DoverPhila provided $25,000 to the United Way of Tuscarawas County’s COVID-19 community response fund. DoverPhila also waived almost $500,000 in members’ fees from March through August and offered fee-free crisis skip-a-payments, interest-only payment options, interest-free loan options and emergency loan options.

The union expanded and enhanced its services during the year. It was the recipient of a financial literacy grant through the Ohio Department of Commerce. The funds went towards the growth of the credit union’s current online financial literacy program Banzai. It also launched its new online banking platform and upgraded its ATMs to a non-envelope system.

For information: 330-364-8874.

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